Brad Garrett Embodies His Grandfather For Jimmy John’s

Brad Garrett of “Everybody Loves Raymond” stars as Tony Bolognavich, “The King of Cold Cuts,” in a new ad for Jimmy John’s.

In the spot, a man rushes to hand a sandwich to Bolognavich. “Jimmy John’s is calling it the Caprese Salami Pesto,” says the man. Bolognavich is initially skeptical, but a bite brings him back to Tuscany in 1963, when what looks like Bolognavich’s grandfather predicts that Jimmy John’s will make the sandwich “60 years from now.”

Lost in his memories, Bolognavich hugs himself and says “I love you,” to which the other man replies. “I love you too, big guy.”

Garrett has starred as Bolognavich since 2021, when he appeared in a Super Bowl spot for Jimmy John’s via Anomaly L.A. 

from Media Post